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Solutions for Success

Holocene Environmental was founded in 2020 with a single mission: to bring together community businesses into environmental compliance with federal, state, and local regulations to ensure the safety of our communities. Holocene Environmental also has strong ties with local educational boards and offers educational programs to students of all ages. 


About: About
About: Team


CEO, Environmental Consultant

Meagan is the CEO and Founding Member of Holocene Environmental, LLC. Meagan has a formal education in Geology and Geochemistry from Texas A&M and graduate education in Environmental Management from the University of California - Irvine. Meagan has been in the environmental industry exclusively for over eight (8) years, and has previously worked for Fortune 500 recycling companies and the Department of the Interior. She is an active stakeholder in the Houston area STEM educational community, a member of the Environmental & Engineering Committee through the Houston Geological Society, and a part of the National Registry of Environmental Professionals.

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